CAUTION : I donot update this site anymore. This site may contain guidelines for the
examination pattern up until 2010 - 11. I donot hereby take any responsibility in refrence
to any wrong information available for this site. Although a few tips may be helpful, so
just take everything with a grain of salt!
Welcome! This site was a way to share my expereince and is in no way
intended for business in any way. Except the home page nothing has
been changed as far as the site is concerned and so, the information is
outdated. Though it might contain some points that could be helpful
for you during exams, so I suggest you take a look if you have time to
spare. I heard that the exam has been transfered from eighth grade to
the tenth and frankly, I know nothing about the new pattern. So just
bear with me here. This was just a small project from a prospective
computer science and engineering student. That's about it. So,
basically, here goes!
©Yash Agrawal
All rights reserved